Tomato Salad with Cilantro Vinaigrette

Remember a few weeks ago when I was talking about being a tomato snob? Well let me tell you I found some incredible tomatoes at the Square One farmer’s market at the end of August, and when tomatoes are that good, you really need to do as little as possible to make them into a delicious salad.

So for this recipe all I did was thickly slice three ginourmous tomatoes and arrange them nicely on a platter. (Yes, the same dessert platter as last post, clearly you know what I need for my birthday next month). I mixed up a simple vinaigrette with red onion, garlic, red wine vinegar and olive oil and spooned it over top.  Chopped cilantro gets sprinkled over the whole thing to finish it off, and there you have it: pure, unadulterated tomato bliss!

This was one of the sides at the faux BBQ I had Labour Day Monday, which was all gluten-free! You can read about the whole thing over at Dr. Aoife, where I wrote a guest post on my approach to GF cooking :)

Tomato Salad with Cilantro Vinaigrette

Source: Shutterbean


a few of the best, most ripe, delicious tomatoes you can find

1/4 cup finely diced red onion

1 garlic clove, finely minced/mashed with a pinch of salt

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

salt & pepper

1/2 cup olive oil

sprinkle of ground coriander (if you have it)

pinch of cayenne (if you like spice)

a handful of cilantro, chopped


  1. Thickly slice tomatoes and arrange nicely on a big platter.
  2. Put red onion, garlic, vinegar, a sprinkle of salt & pepper in a jar/bowl and shake/whisk until combined. Add olive oil and shake/whisk again. Pour over platter.
  3. Sprinkle cilantro over top and serve. Pretty and delicious!
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1 Response to Tomato Salad with Cilantro Vinaigrette

  1. brooke says:

    Would be super good with some goat cheese too~

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